Essential Gun Safety Rules: A Comprehensive Guide for Online Learners — Defensive Mindset Training MN

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Essential Gun Safety Rules: A Comprehensive Guide for Online Learners

Learn the critical gun safety rules every online learner should know to ensure responsible firearm ownership and safe gun handling practices.

Introduction to Gun Safety Training Online

Welcome to Defensive Mindset Training's comprehensive guide on Essential Gun Safety Rules. We understand that owning a firearm comes with a great responsibility, which means it’s critical to learn and follow strict safety guidelines to protect yourself and those around you. Our team of experienced and knowledgeable instructors has compiled a detailed guide covering 5 fundamental gun safety rules needed for handling a firearm. This is a valuable guide for beginners, and we hope that you’ll share it with others who are starting the journey of firearm ownership.

The Importance of Responsible Firearm Ownership

Whether you are a novice or an experienced firearm owner, adhering to gun safety rules is essential for avoiding unnecessary injury or even death. Online gun safety training can be an integral part of responsible firearm ownership and must be taken seriously to ensure the safety of yourself and those around you. But keep in mind that basic gun safety rules and concepts are only the beginning of learning how to operate these tools, especially during intense and critical defensive encounters. You are responsible for your defense and those in your care. Owning a firearm can give you a massive advantage, but irresponsible behavior with that same tool could spell disaster for those you care about most.

Rule 1: Know the Condition of Your Firearm

Be obsessed with the condition of your firearms. You want to know if there are live rounds in the firearm or if it’s empty. If you don’t know or can’t remember, assume there is a live round and then check the firearm to be sure. Knowing how to conduct a chamber check is a critical part of this rule. Check the chamber often, assuming that you may have forgotten there was a live round in there. When you place a round into the chamber, it can help to use a verbal phrase to reframe your mind about the change of condition. At Defensive Mindset Training we say: “I’m live. I’m live. I’m live.” That simple phrase turns our brains to safety mode and instantly heightens our awareness of the firearm and our bodies.

Rule 2: Maintain Trigger Finger Awareness

Your trigger finger is… well… dumb. Part of your growth in firearms safety is simply educating your trigger finger. The rule here is pretty simple: if your sights are aligned, your finger goes to the trigger. If your sights are not aligned, your finger should stay high on the frame or slide of the firearm, far away from the trigger well. When your sights are aligned, you must also be completely aware of where your firearm is pointed and because you have to look through the sights to align them, this allows you to follow the next rule very easily.

Rule 3: Muzzle Awareness: Point the firearm where you want to, and don’t point it where you don’t want to.

This rule applies all the time, whether you’re going to shoot the gun, move it, or set it down. We want you to become “muzzle aware,” to develop a level of awareness about the direction your muzzle is pointing at all times. You can think about this rule this way: “Do I want to point my firearm at X?” For example, do you want to point the firearm at the target down range? Yes. Do you want to point the firearm at a lethal threat to your safety? Yes. Do you want to point the firearm at your kids? No. Do you want to point the firearm at yourself? No. Using the rule of muzzle awareness is much more helpful than a generalized rule like “Never point the firearm at a person,” since this type of rule will hinder your ability to defend yourself against a lethal threat (who is likely to be, you guessed it, a person).

Rule 4: Know How Your Firearm Works

Firearms operate in many different ways. Some have external safeties, some do not. Some have exposed hammers, and others operate with internal striker systems. Some firearms make it easy to see that they’re loaded and ready, while others give no indication about the condition of the firearm. Know how your particular firearm works in basic operation, and if you do not know, seek out resources and ask questions before using or handling that firearm.

Rule 5: Educate Yourself and Others About Firearm Safety

You should be the example of a safe firearms owner to your friends and family. Assume that those around you do not understand trigger finger awareness, muzzle awareness, or how to check the condition of the firearm. Help them, but be firm that you will maintain a safe environment for yourself and others around that firearm. And should you ever feel that another person is being unsafe, remove yourself, your firearms, and your loved ones from that situation as soon as possible.

Practicing Safe Firearm Storage at Home

Securely storing firearms is another essential part of responsible gun ownership. It is important to determine your balance between safe storage and the need for access. If the firearm is loaded and sitting on your bedside table, it is very quick to access, but not safely stored. If it is locked in a safe, unloaded, with a trigger lock, and ammunition stored separately, it is very safe but totally unusable in an emergency like a home invasion. Your firearm storage rules will likely be different if you live alone vs. if you have small children in the house. Considering how you might need and use the firearm can help you determine how to most effectively store it and get proper training.

Taking Online Gun Safety Courses: Benefits and Considerations

Online gun safety courses are an excellent way to learn the basics of firearm ownership and become more responsible. Defender University, the online training system offered by Defensive Mindset Training, offers convenience with flexible schedules, allowing you to attend lessons from the comfort of your own home with our exclusive Defender 101 and Defender 201 courses. These comprehensive programs cover safety rules, proper handling techniques, legal regulations, safe use at the range, and more. Defender University can also help you with firearm storage and how to balance speed of access and security. We also offer a couple unique training tools to help you apply the knowledge you have gained through extensive dry and live fire training sets.

We hope this guide has given you the information necessary to practice safe and responsible firearm ownership. Remember, following the five essential gun safety rules is vital to avoiding injury or harm when handling firearms. Online gun safety courses like Defender University offer an excellent opportunity to learn more about proper gun handling techniques and legal requirements, helping you become a more knowledgeable and responsible firearm owner. Be sure to take the time to educate yourself and those around you about the importance of firearm safety.

Thank you for taking an interest in learning more about firearm safety. Contact us today to learn more about Defender University and start your journey to becoming a responsible firearm owner.