How to Shoot Fast and Accurately
New Shooter Guide
Next Steps for Concealed Carry Permit Holders
Tactical Debrief - Christchurch Mosque Attack
Attention Hunters! This one's for you!
Cincinnati Bank Shooting: Tactical Debrief
360 Degree Check
15 Round Transition Drill
DMT Works in Real Life and Competitions Too
Live vs. Dry - Training Video
Shooting and Moving Techniques for Concealed Carry or Competition
Rules of a Violent Encounter?
What is Foundations Class
Lessons from 1000 rounds through a micro-compact.
TacMed Preview - Don't miss this training!
EDC Pocket Dump
Each spring I go through my Everyday Carry (EDC) gear because over the course of a year, some of my needs may change. As warmer weather approaches the frozen tundra where I live, I wanted to take you through my EDC to give you a few ideas of what you could easily carry on body for effective defense.