EDC Pocket Dump — Defensive Mindset Training MN

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EDC Pocket Dump

Training Newsletter

Each spring I go through my Everyday Carry (EDC) gear because over the course of a year, some of my needs may change. As warmer weather approaches the frozen tundra where I live, I wanted to take you through my EDC to give you a few ideas of what you could easily carry on body for effective defense.

This is a picture of what I keep with me at all times.


Starting on the top left there are four knives: an Emerson Karambit, Emerson Tanto Folder, my old SMT Emerson Commander, and my new Ka-Bar TDI knife. Folding knives have been the standby of concealed carry defenders for decades, which is why I carry three of them.

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But as I have grown into a deeper understanding of edged weapon work and deployment, I've found that the fixed blade knife has many advantages over the folder. The drawback is that fixed blade knives are usually too big and uncomfortable to effectively conceal. I've found that the TDI knife by Ka-Bar seems to be a great compromise of size and conceal-ability. I've done a full review of this tool in this week's video.

Next is a SWAT-T Tourniquet. DMT occasionally offers an extremely detailed and very intense Tactical Medicine (TacMed) course. Speed is of the essence when you have to deploy a tourniquet and the SWAT-T is super easy to use. You can also quickly adapt it for use in a multi-casualty or youth situation by simply cutting the tourniquet to the correct size or into multiple pieces.

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It's also thin enough when folded to fit into your pocket like a small wallet, making it very easy to carry. If you're not carrying a tourniquet, you should. According to the Journal of Emergency Medical Services, some five million people per year globally die from hemorrhaging that could have been saved with the simple application of a tourniquet. DMT's offering another Terror Trauma TacMed Course in May - sign up today and be prepared to save a life, maybe even your own.

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The next items in my EDC are my wallet, keys, chapstick, and quick lock pick set. When you're carrying a concealed weapon, your ID and Permit to Carry need to be with you as well. I like to carry keys on some kind of elastic or grip-able keychain that allows me to swing keys like a flail, a good improvised defense weapon.

I carry the chapstick for obvious reasons: it's hard to do battle against the forces of evil if your lips are chapped. Finally, I have a small lock pick set in case of emergencies. This simple kit can get me into rooms that have been locked, or past simple external locks, which is great if you need to escape or evade a hostile area. Or just get into your storage room if you forget your keys.

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On the second row I have a Snag-Mag magazine pouch, two magazines, my carry firearm, and a Crossbreed holster. The Snag-Mag has been an EDC favorite of mine for several years now after getting one from a rep at SHOT Show. It holds your magazine in your pocket correctly for discrete carry, while still allowing for fast reloads.

As the old saying goes: No one who survived a gunfight ever said, "Gee, I wish I brought the smaller gun with less ammunition." I carry a G22 with a .40 to 9mm conversion barrel from KKM Precision. That allows me to have a heavier framed firearm and barrel and 17 round G17 9mm magazines. That means I can have 34 rounds on me at all times.

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The Crossbreed holster, as you can see, is well worn in and probably due for a replacement, but it's been the most comfortable holster for IWB carry (Inside the Waist Band) I've ever owned.

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Finally, I have my sunglasses and my phone. I always have sunglasses with me, or I'm blind as a bat in the bright light when I step outside. The phone serves multiple purposes: If I can call for help before the fight, I will. If not, by law I must call for help after the fight. The phone's AI can call 911 simply by being asked it to do so, and the next number that I've got it programmed to call is an attorney. I can just ask the phone to call "lawyer" and the call will go out.




Some will look at this and think it's too much to carry. I've been carrying at least this much on my body for years, and it's not hard to pull off. So take a look at your EDC and see if it matches your skills and your clothing choices. And don't miss out on the next TacMed course at DMT, which is unlike any training you'll find anywhere else. You want to have those emergency medical skills prepared before you need them.

Until next week, train hard and stay safe.